Health care

Health care is of key importance to a fulfilling life. Social Example aims to provide for good health by giving the underprivileged access to quality health care tools, equipments (hearing aids for example), emergency treatment funds. Since prevention is better than cure, our health care objective is complimented by our other objectives which are related to poverty such as homelessness or lack of clothing.

Our powerful upcoming technologies aim to provide health related services to all people registered under Social Example global centres around the world.

Good health is not just curing existing conditions. It is about building good health by eating right, avoiding mental stress (domestic violence as an example) and by working in a good environment where work life does not degrade health over a long period of time due to harsh work conditions or lack of regulations.


Social Example health care programme is designed in a sustainable fashion taking care of major connected aspects which contributes to good health. This in turn reduces the cost to society and improves economic productivity of a country.

We support top performing NGOs working in the heath sector with our tools in addition to supporting our own unique programmes designed by the best brains behind Social Example.

Social Example technologies: leading by example:

  •  Social Example human resource policy is favourable towards employing people with disability.
  • Social Example focuses to empower disabled people with small businesses which are supported by our technology and management knowledge. This gives disabled people access to much needed funds without having to beg or do labour which their bodies cannot support.
  • We help connect disabled people with medical professionals who can improve their quality of life. Often funds are a major constraint and lack of treatment on time leads to worsening condition in the future which is preventable. We aim to remedy this.

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